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令和4年度の授業について/ Information regarding classes for AY2022

2022年03月01日 | 全て, 大学全般, 学生生活



1 実技、レッスン等の対面授業等は感染防止対策を講じた上で学内において実施
2 講義等についてはオンラインによる遠隔授業を継続するが、可能な範囲で対面を取り入れて実施
3 各学部?研究科等では、各授業科目の実施形態を改めて2月中旬から3月下旬までに決まり次第順次お知らせします。

Information regarding classes for? AY2022

To all students,

Classes for AY2022 will be held as follows.

1.Face-to-face lessons such as practical skills are conducted on campus after taking measures to prevent infection.?
2.Lectures will continue to be held online by distance learning, but face-to-face is incorporated to the extent possible.
3.Each faculty / graduate school will inform you of the implementation of each class as soon as it is decided from mid-February to late March.