東京藝術大学 東京藝術大学入試情報サイト SDGs 共創の場 藝大アートプラザ 万博体育APP官方网_万博体育manbetx3.0クラウドファンディング 藝大レーベル / GEIDAI LABEL supported by Warner Music Japan グローバル 藝大フレンズ 早期教育 東京藝術大学ジュニア?アカデミ

まん延防止等重点措置に伴う本学の対応について / The University’s Response to the priority measures such as prevention of spread

2021年06月22日 | 全て, 大学全般



【行動指針】 東京藝術大学万博体育APP官方网_万博体育manbetx3.0(COVID‐19)行動指針【教職員用】

【行動指針】 東京藝術大学万博体育APP官方网_万博体育manbetx3.0(COVID‐19)行動指針【学生用】

The University’s Response to the priority measures such as prevention of spread

The Government of Japan has applied “priority measures such as prevention of spread” .
Tokyo University of the Arts?will take all possible measures to prevent infection and, in accordance with the University’s response guidelines, we?have?decided to proceed with classes, examinations, exhibitions, concerts, etc., based on the guidelines of the University.

I would like to ask all faculty, staff, and students to remain vigilant and continue to follow the guidelines from the perspective of infection prevention.

In addition to observing the?Code of Conduct, please?continue to?take basic infection control measures (wearing a mask, washing hands and fingers frequently, disinfecting hands, avoiding three?Cs — closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings —?etc.).

?In principle,?the University’s facilities can be used until 19:00.?(The facilities can be used until 20:00, provided that appropriate infection prevention measures are taken and that the?number of people allowed in the lecture?rooms, studios,?lesson?rooms, etc. are controlled under the supervision of faculty members.)???Also in the event that the use of the facilities is unavoidable, please check with your department in advance and follow their policy.
?Meetings involving food and drink are prohibited?regardless of whether they are held on campus or off campus , and regardless of whether they are held in a restaurant or in your room.
?Please?make sure?to wear a mask?when having a conversation.
?If you are confirmed to be infected, have undergone PCR testing, or have been designated as a close contact, please report it immediately according to the form.
?Please reduce unnecessary outings to prevent the spread of infection.

(Faculty, Staff, etc.)
?Reporting Form [Faculty, Staff, etc.] Notification of Infection (including close contacts)
?Report Form [Faculty, Staff, etc.] Report of close contacts living together
?Report form [Faculty, Staff, etc.] Report of symptoms such as coughs and colds (for COVID-19)
?[Action Guidelines] Tokyo University of the Arts?Novel?Coronavirus (COVID-19) Action Guidelines [For Faculty and Staff]

?Report Form [For Students] Incidence Report (including close contacts)
?Report form [for students] Report of close contacts living together
?Report Form [For Students] Report of Fever, etc.
?[Action Guidelines] Tokyo University of the Arts Novel?Coronavirus (COVID-19) Action Guidelines [for Students]
