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令和元年度 卒業?修了式の中止について

2020年03月04日 | イベント, プレスリリース, 全て, 大学全般, 学生生活




東京藝術大学長 澤 和樹?


To graduating students and their families:

In order to prevent the potential spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), Tokyo University of the Arts has decided to cancel the graduation ceremony scheduled for March 25, 2020, at the Sogakudo Concert Hall.

I understand that the graduation ceremony is an important event for graduating students and their families. It was such a hard decision to make, knowing that they were all looking forward to it. However, I had to make this decision for the health and safety of the campus community.

As always, we thank you for your kind support.


Kazuki Sawa
President, Tokyo University of the Arts