


Not Necessarily a Device


Dec 6 (Fri) - Dec 15 (Sun), 2019
Open throughout the session period


10:00-18:00 (Entry by 17:45)


Chinretsukan Gallery 1F, 2F (The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts)



Organized by Art Media Center, Tokyo University of the Arts

Supported by GEIDAI FRIENDS; Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture

Sponsored by Froebel-Kan Co.,Ltd; Startbahn, Inc.

In cooperation with Dell Inc.; Nakagawa Chemical Inc.; MIMAKI ENGINEERING CO., LTD.;Center for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Properties,; Tokyo University of the Arts; GEIDAI FACTORY LAB

The Art Media Center, Tokyo University of the Arts has been designed as a place within the university that enfolds the latest information media and fabrication equipment and materials, as well as excels in them; where instructors from within and outside of the university lead various lectures and workshops; where cutting-edge technology meets art, research, and people.
The event, “Not Necessarily a Device,” offers an overview of the center’s evolution and change over more than 20 years, while providing a future-focused direction to the potential of new art within a rapidly changing society and broadcasting it through the activities, research, and works of the students, instructors, re- searchers, and artists who gather here.
This exhibition takes “devices” as its keyword and presents practice and re-search that construct and propose new relationships between “devices” and us. Which way our bodies, thoughts, and art are heading towards among the AI-enabled devices, computers, and information technology that pervade our lives, and whether they give rise to opportunities for the birth of new art? Through this exhibition, we want to think about both the present and the future of media, technology, and art as they expand in indeterminate forms.
Kiyoshi FURUKAWA [Art Media Center Director]


NTT Hello Dial: 03-5777-8600

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