

International Mokuhanga Conference 2014 Open Competition Exhibition
"International Mokuhanga Exhibition 2014"

Dates: Sep 11 (Thu) - Sep 25 (Thu), 2014
Closed on Sep 16 (Tue), Sep 22 (Mon)
Hours: 10:00-17:00 (Entry by 16:30)
Place: Chinretsukan Gallery 1F, 2F (The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts)
Admission: free
Organized by International Mokuhanga Conference 2014 Geidai Committee; IMC International Committee
Patronized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan; The Committee of Art & Print Studies in Japan; The Austrian Embassy; CWAJ
Authorized by Association for Corporate Support of the Arts
Supported by Agency for Cultural Affairs; Nomura Foundation; ASAHI GROUP ARTS FOUNDATION; The Asahi Shimbun Foundation; Tokyo University of the Arts International Art Exchange Foundation; Geidai Friends; The Japan Association for the Promotion of Arts
Sponsored by Awagami Factory; The Adachi Woodcut Prints; Ozu Washi; Woodlikeatsumura; Baren Studio Kikuhide; Bumpodo; Knife shop Shimizu-hamonoten; UNSODO Corporation; takahashi-kobo

Inquiry: NTT Hello Dial: 03-5777-8600 (Japanese Only)
International Mokuhanga Conference 2014 official website: http://www.mokuhanga.jp/
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