
Geidai Collection
Kazo Saito Retrospective
Session: Nov 4 (Sat) - Dec 17 (Sun), 2006
Closed on Mondays
Hours: 10:00-17:00 (Entry by 16:30)
Place: The University Art Museum, B2F, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music

Organized by: Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
Supported by: The Kao Foundation for Arts and Sciences
Admission: Adult - 300 (250) yen
Senior high school student and above - 100 (50) yen
Junior high school student and below - Free
*Prices in (): group of over 20 people
*The admission ticket to the "The Wonder Box" also includes admission to this exhibition
NTT Hello Dial: 03-5777-8600
-> Press release (PDF format in Japanese)
-> Press release (2.7MB detailed version, PDF format in Japanese)

*To purchase the catalog, visit the Museum Shop

Mini Concert of Songs Composed by Kazo Saito

Date: Dec 1, 2006
Time: 12:00-; 15:00- (About 30 minutes for a perfomance)
Place: Entrance Hall of the University Museum
Admission: Free

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