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We are pleased to announce the holding of the project "Only white deep white - projection for art-Link" at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, the Tokyo National Museumand Kan'ei-ji Temple.


This project focuses on the experience of images appearing through the projection of sequential computer graphics images with sounds, onto outdoor screens in relation to our body and real space.

The Tokyo National Museum has a vast collection acting as the core in Ueno as the Art Forest and has observed the history of many expositions and exhibitions held in this area. Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music educates artists as an art academy. Both institutions have played important roles in the history of the art administration. But the role of Ueno as an artistic base was formed after the modern period. In the Edo period, this area flourished as a precinct of Kan'ei-ji Temple which was a family temple of Tokugawa Shogunate. This project aims to shed light on different natures and histories of each location through the projection of the same images.

This project will be held in relation with 'art-Link Ueno - Yanaka 2002'. It is a co-project which links two locations as Ueno and Yanaka with various events and exhibitions. It aims towards a new initiative artistic activity in the local community.

We would be pleased if these projected images and sounds could provide fields to share aesthetic co-experiences and give opportunities to think about the history of this area.

We would like to express our sincerest thanks to the involved individuals and institutions for their kind cooperation.

September 2002
The Organizers

Session + Place: September 27.-29., 2002
Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Ueno / Tokyo
To be postponed till the first fine day, carried out if a light rain
October 4.-5., 2002
Tokyo National Museum ,main building (important cultural property), Ueno / Tokyo
Rain or Shine
October 11.-12., 2002
Kan'ei-ji Temple, main building Konpon-Tyudou (important cultural property)
To be postponed till the first fine day, carried out if a light rain

  18:00-20:00 for every presentation
(at Tokyo National Museum, the last admission at 19:30)

Admission fee: Admission charged at Tokyo National Museum. Admission free at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Kan'ei-ji Temple

Organized by: Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music,
Tokyo National Museum,
Executive committee 'art-Link Ueno-Yanaka 2002'

Cooperation by: Kan'ei-ji Temple

Sponsorship by: Nomura Cultural Foundation
Toppan Printing Co., Ltd

Special cooperation by: Contemporary Art Center, Art Tower Mito

Technical cooperation by: Athénée Français Culture Center
C-COM for the stage setting, ltd.
Osafune Factory Ltd.

ENQ: Reiichi Noguchi / Tomoko Mukai
The University Art Museum, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
Ueno-Park Taito-ku Tokyo 110-8724 Japan
tel. +81-3-5685-7685