- free aerophones
- Does not contain a pipe. Vibrations are produced according to the free flow of the air stream.
- HS number : 412.22
- free reed
- Vibrations are produced by a free reed.
- HS number : 412.132
- end-blown flutes
- The player blows into the open end at the top of a pipe.
- HS number : 421.11.12
- panpipes
- The player blows into the open end at the top of any of several pipes.
- HS number : 421.111 : 421.112
- transverse flutes
- The player blows into a hole in the side of the pipe.
- HS number : 421.121.32
- duct flutes
- Air is led to the flute hole from the mouth hole by means of a duct.
- HS number : 421.221.11 : 421.211.12 : 421.211.12
- globular flutes
- Spherical shape. Contains a flute hole and finger holes but no duct.
- HS number : 421.13
- shawms
- Vibrations are produced by several reeds.
- HS number : 422.112
- clarinets
- Vibrations are produced by one reed.
- HS number : 422.212 : 422.22
- trumpets
- Vibrations are produced by the lips.
- HS number : 423.111.1
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